Monday, May 5, 2008

One more week

One more week until I hit the Gurnee again and go under for another knife job. I can't wait. My bicep now is about the size of a beer can.

No, I didn't hit my head as it may seem here. This is me flexing my bicep, kinda thing you do on the beach while twirling a cane.

I've added a few more shots from our trip below.

This is me sun tanning, Arab style. I learned alot from my time in the hottest places on earth, never expose thy skin! The texan lady behind isn't reaching for sun tan lotion either, more like a 12 gauge.

And this is the girl who stole my cane a couple times, leaving me stuck in the roomwatching BBC World. She may be the toe paint perpetrator as well!

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