Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I'll get right to it, it's been 5 weeks now and I'm sitting up in bed and having regular "movements" so things must be improving. I've decided upon suggestion to go ahead and document this whole sheisen show. For one that would be for my own memory and to waste other websurfers time. Typing ain't my real strong suit at the moment but what better way to work on it.

If you don't know what I'm talking about is Dec 26 I went for a 200m jaunt over a couple cliffs, slammed into several trees and grated myself over several boulders ski touring, all of which was brought upon by an avalanche.
I don't care to re-live the events of my tumble but needless to say is that I wheeled away broken with a shattered lower left leg, crushed right pelvis, broken tail bone (combined with pelvis and tail bone injuries thats an official broken ass),18 inches of removed nerve from my right leg, on top of that a broken humerus which unfortunately severed and %#%^ed up 3 nerves in my right arm leaving it effectively dead. So like I alluded to before, I've spent the 5 weeks hunkered down in the acute care and trauma trenches, annoying family members and most of all healing. Healing is certainly the operative word.

So for the next many months I'm going document this doozy. I've added a few images below. I warn you if you choose to look at them you may find it graphic, particularily in the naked nature. If you are in Canmore feel free to drop by the hospital and visit myself and my roomate 86 year old George. This guy is the man, drop to meet him and hang outwith me

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