Sunday, February 3, 2008

Rules for Broken Body Bed Prison

Never explore climbing websites, that is if you have a cohort wiley enough to commandeer wireless passwords from unsuspecting hotels across the highway from your place of inprisonment thus allowing you access to the dub dub dub (www). Climbing websites will torture thy soul; pretend they dont exist and no one out there is tearin it up and havin a blast in the hills without you. You'll drive yourself to a 12 gauge down the gizzard otherwise.

Never piss your nurses off. You have to be an idiot to annoy the same person who will be jabbing horse tranquilizers into you and removing your cathadar.

get hurt in the winter, it make things easier

experiment with the full gammet of pain killers, its free and if theres one thing about western medicine, its all about medicate medicate medicate. its all at your fingertips. trust me

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