Sunday, June 8, 2008

Beginning of the New Era

I've been watching climbing Vids on the internet all morning, going against my rule of never looking at climbing websites, mags or talking about it. Its a sanity thing for me. I fell off the wagon this morning needless to say. Usually it brings me down, start thinking about how I've been disconnected from the whole thing the last while.

Today was different, it got me amped. It may just be extra dose of prescription meds kicking in...
I've also been thinking about my last post the over the last 24 hours.
12 years of climbing all over the world, man it was good.
Bottom line, things change.
It's universal.
Time to get on with it.
Time to find passion in something else, leave the Demon behind again.

This may be it.

Its not barrel rolling icebergs in Newfoundland or tip toeing around Warheads in the Middle East but it's got it's moments.
There's something that gets your heart going when your in a 44th floor of a high rise in downtown Calgary making deals.
So, if you're in the Can. Drop me a line. I've been beefing up my "Nerd" centre...
Example below (This is similar what I've put together)

The Nerds will prevail!

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